respect us too!

being respectful

Don't look and judge me, I'm same as you

Try to understand me ,
i'm also a human being

Treat me as your white friend

respect us too!

being respectful

every people wants respect.don’t judge by my looks.looks doesn’t matter,what matter is that the behavior.Don’t treat me different .I am also a human being so please treat as your white friend.That can make the world better

respect us too!

being respectful

When I was working in a restuarent,me and white girl got hired around the same time and we were put mostly same schedule, my coworkers used to treat me and her differently.I felt upset about it because they used to make fun of me. Later I couldn't it anymore so I quit my job. Now as I thnk about it, I feel that why didn't I fight for myself as I also deserve respect like her. Based on my experience I chosed chapter 3 because the author shared how a black person jugde by others. I can relate myself because at my work they would just judge me based on my who I am.

respect us too!

being respectful

Like now I feel like they have no rights to judge me!Why would a person would judge me if they don't know me? I used to ask question myself what I did wrong, why they see me as different? I wonder they would do same to someone again if they would undertand how I felt!